September has been a really busy month. A week after I got back from Greece, I started a full-time job, my boyfriend and I searched the city for a new apartment, it was restaurant week, we went to New York for a weekend, my mom was in town, and, well... things just seemed busier. When I start listing things, it doesn't seem like so much. To be honest, I have also started watching
Mad Men on Netflix and with four seasons to catch up on, relaxing on the couch after work has been beating out writing more often than not.
After work, I look kind of like this, but less fluffy and with more Don Draper. | |
I have also run into a bit of an issue in that I've had a lot of ideas of what I want to write about, but none of them have been enough for a whole post. For example, a couple Saturdays ago, I woke up missing the intersection of Main Street and Washington Street in Ann Arbor. I've written before about how I tend to miss
specific locations. That intersection is one that I always associate with autumn because of my
first off-campus adventure to Washington Street that happened over fall break. If I had tried to write the whole post, it probably would have sounded like a huge sigh and a whine about how much I miss Ann Arbor. Happily, though, this past week I've gotten to slow down a little and have had time to organize some of my ideas. Hopefully I can get back to posting at least once a week again! For now, let me catch you up on something I've been up to lately.